There may come a time when you need to transfer your existing installation of ZionWorx onto a different PC. For example this might be necessary if you've upgraded to a new PC. Fortunately this is a simple process with a few straightforward steps.
Note: You will need a USB stick with sufficient free space to help with moving files between the two PCs.
On your original PC...
1. Start ZionWorx and take a backup of your song database and settings, then copy the resulting file to your USB stick:
File->Export->ZionWorx Backup
2. Using Windows Explorer, copy the entire 'Themes' folder to your USB stick. The location of this folder is user-definable (so you may need to check 'File->Options->Themes' to be sure) but the default location is here:
For ZionWorx 3.x:
C:\ProgramData\Jubilate Software\ZionWorx\Themes\
For ZionWorx 4.x:
C:\ProgramData\Jubilate Software\ZionWorx 4\Themes\
Note: The 'ProgramData' folder might be hidden from view in Explorer depending on your Windows settings. However, you can still access it by copying the above folder path to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then pasting it into the Explorer 'address bar' (Ctrl+V) then hit Enter.
3. Using Windows Explorer, copy any media folders you need containing images, videos or PowerPoint files to your USB stick. Make a note of the locations of these folders so you can recreate those locations later on the new PC.
On your new PC...
1. Install ZionWorx by downloading and running the latest full installer from the following direct link:
For ZionWorx 3.x:
For ZionWorx 4.x:
2. Insert your USB stick.
3. Using Windows Explorer, copy across the media folders from the USB stick. If you can keep exactly the same locations for these as you had on the original PC then you will save yourself additional work setting those folders up again in ZionWorx.
4. Using Windows Explorer, copy across the contents of the Themes folder from the USB stick into the default Themes folder location:
For ZionWorx 3.x:
C:\ProgramData\Jubilate Software\ZionWorx\Themes\
For ZionWorx 4.x:
C:\ProgramData\Jubilate Software\ZionWorx 4\Themes\
Note: The 'ProgramData' folder might be hidden from view in Explorer depending on your Windows settings. However, you can still access it by copying the above folder path to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then pasting it into the Explorer 'address bar' (Ctrl+V) then hit Enter.
5. Start ZionWorx and restore the database and settings from the backup file that you previously saved to the USB stick:
File->Import->ZionWorx Restore
Note: You will be asked whether you want to restore 'old settings' from the backup.
Click 'Yes' if you want the new PC to have the same application settings as your original PC.
But if you are upgrading from v3.x to v4.x it is better to choose 'No' and then configure your settings manually in v4.x
6. Check that your songs and themes are successfully transferred then close ZionWorx.
7. If you no longer need to use ZionWorx on the original PC then you should uninstall it (v3.x) or select File->Help->Deactivate Licence (v4.x) to free up an installation count under the terms of your Team Licence. If you run out of activations for 4.x then please contact us.
8. Pat yourself on the back!
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